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Men, you cannot become what you've never defined!

Get clarity on what it means to be a father.

Get training on how to act like a father.

Get on the right pathways to lead your family well.


What is Reviving Fathers?

Reviving Fathers: Becoming a Father Worth Following. Is a complete guide to developing a multi-generational family culture in the home. This course covers what a REAL Father is, what healthy father culture looks like, and some helpful pathways to travel on your journey to be a REAL Father. 

A REAL Father is a man who lovingly invests in his children, instructing them toward maturity at every stage of life. Don't play at being a father; the cost is too great. Know what it means to be a father who guides, instructs, and nurtures the relationships in his home. 

What Will I Learn?

What A Father Is

In this section, I break down my definition of a father into five videos. A father is a man who lovingly invests in his children instructing them towards maturity at every stage of life.

1. From a Man to a Father

2. A Father who Loves

3. A Father who Invests

4. A Father who Instructs

5. Towards Maturity At Every Stage of Life

How A Father Acts

In this section, I provide you with a foundation of father culture and offer tips on how to shape it according to your shared family vision and value system.

1. The Father and His Credibility

2. The Father and His Duty

3. The Fathers and His Leadership

4. The Father and His Wife

5. The Father and His Children


How A Father Leads

In this section, I provide you with pathways to guide you on your leadership journey toward a five-generational family. 

1. Self Development

2. Community

3. Evaluate and Advance

4. Give Them an Appetite

5. Gain and Maintain the High Ground

I also give you a bonus of 25 videos of helpful tools that help me to be a father worth following.

Join Reviving Fathers

Start your journey today in becoming a father worth following!

How much does your current way of fathering cost your family?


Gain clarity on what your identity, purpose, and role is as a father!


Understanding that being a father can move his family and impact its trajectory for generations is possible.


Begin to grow as you put into practice the information in Reviving Fathers.


Join Me Inside

Discover your identity.

Define your calling.

Fulfill your Purpose.

Tyler Todt, NV

“Travis, an intentional father of 7, is as locked in as a dad gets. He's put together a wonderful course that I've benefited from & I believe all dads can benefit from. DAD is the most important role we have. Use this resource and level up your dad game today!

Jonathan Kennedy Jr., VA

"Let's GO! Check out my guy Travis for straight teaching on fathering! The time is now, don't wait!"

Aaron Hensley, WV

"As someone who personally knows Travis, he exemplifies everything he teaches. His family is a model example of what a biblical household should be. I am grateful for the lessons he has taught us; they truly have impacted our family's lives for generations." 

Build the Skill of Fathering

I want to share this knowledge with as many fathers as possible. I'm nearly giving this information away. Why? Because this information changed my life, and I want to make it accessible to all. Join me inside.


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