When was the last time you threw a rock into a still pond? It is very satisfying to be the one that breaks the still glass water with an impact that potentially ripples across the pond. The one impact of a single rock causes a ripple effect that changes the dynamic of the pond for a time. The bigger the rock, the more significant the ripple effect. Think of your family as a still pond waiting for the father's ripple effect to impact the family dynamic.
So, what impact do fathers have on the family? The father has a significant impact on the family's culture. Culture comprises vision and values, both of which the father is responsible for being the model figure. Through the father's intentional activity in the family, the family becomes healthier and better developed. The health and development of the family can, if intentional, lead to a multigenerational ripple that impacts future grandchildren and the world.
For helpful posts, see What is a Father? The Enduring Father and The Model Father.
Father, do you want to impact the world? It starts today with faithfulness to your calling as a father! Let's examine this further.
The Fathers Family Impact
Who doesn't want a multigenerational impact? The only way to accomplish this legacy is through the family unit! The family will keep our vision and values alive as they adopt them for themselves. This is the father's ripple: how one father can influence the generation of tomorrow by fathering the generation TODAY!
The father's responsibility is to be a living model of the family's vision and values. We should be able to say to our wives and children, "Imitate me." This is how legacy is formed, as the current generation is impacted by the father's present lifestyle and instruction. This impact, if intentionally carried out on a daily basis, will lead to generations of faithfulness to your vision and values.
Undoubtedly, we are dealing with a fatherless impact in today's culture! Recently, I saw two teenage boys stand idly by in the grocery store parking lot while their mother unloaded the groceries alone. One of the boys put the cart away by pushing it into the car parked next to them!
This situation floored me. I don't know that family or their context. Yet, the glaring truth is that this is the norm. The father figure is nowhere to be found in the person and also in the values lived by their children. You better believe that if I weren't with my wife in the grocery store parking lot, my ten-year-old son would be pushing the cart, unloading it, and returning it to its proper cart drop-off location.
Why would my son do this? Because that is what I would do for my wife and because I instructed him to do the same. As a father, I train my boys to be men, husbands, and fathers. For my girls, I am demonstrating to them the standard of a REAL man, husband, and father. I don't want them to settle for anything less, but I want them to strive for something more. As a Real Father, I invest in my children today to impact tomorrow's generation.
Statistics show that a father's intentional presence in a home deeply impacts the physical, emotional, and spiritual development and health of the children. But it is so much more than that! The father's intentional impact on a family can change the course of generations that are yet to be. We see now the negative impact of a fatherless culture, so let's change the course of tomorrow by being intentional fathers today! How far are you currently in your journey as a father from being the one you want your sons to emulate and your daughters to marry? That's a big question with enormous consequences! How much will your current state of fatherhood cost your family in the long run?
Related Questions
How important is a father to a family? Very Important! The father is like the rudder that helps to guide and steer the ship. A rudderless ship goes nowhere and eventually crashes on the rocks. The father can be the rock upon which the family flourishes and stands strong for generations.
How do fathers influence their children? Fathers influence their children through word and deed. When fathers intentionally instruct their children with their words and back their words with their actions, they build credibility that moves the children to action.
What is the impact of a present father? The impact of a present father is immeasurable. Indeed, the health and development of the child at all stages are vastly better than that of children who grow up without a "present father." However, the present father also becomes the standard for future character and relationships. This will impact the current and future generations because of the present activities of the father today.